Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Reading Challenge: Non-fiction - check!

The first book I decided to read for the 2019 Reading Challenge was "It's Not About Perfect" by Shannon Miller and Danny Peary. I decided that this would be the one to check off non-fiction from the list.

I really enjoyed this book. I have always been a fan of gymnastics (not that I can do the sport at all, with my 5'10" frame) and got to relive what I saw in the 1992 and 1996 Olympics. Getting to know more about what led to them and all the years of work that Shannon Miller put into them was really interesting. She mentions her family often, whether to mention how her work ethic was instilled in her by her parents or just to say how supported she was by all the members in her family. Her drive to get to where she ended up, but never feeling like she was the best was surprising. She would only say she worked hard to earn what she received, not that it was because she was the best. Her love of the sport is evident and hearing about what went on behind the scenes was a nice new view on things. Going through her career and then seeing how tough it can be once a top athlete needs to find their way in the "real world" was a good reminder that even those we see in the public eye can be a bit lost at times.

Moving on from athletics to schooling, business and her own marriage and family was a nice glimpse into her life as well. When cancer came into the mix, she touched upon the devastation, but still kept positive and fought it with her trademark upbeat attack. It allowed her to make her company - Shannon Miller Lifestyle - really reach out to others as she really became the poster child for women's health and keeping up with doctor's appointments and such. Imagine if she had not gone in and caught the tumor on her ovary as early as she did...unthinkable!

An easy read and very upbeat story. I rated this 4 stars on Goodreads as I really did like it a lot (I nearly finished the book in 2 days!).

1 book down, 23 to go. Next I am tackling a book recommended by Stephanie:

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