Saturday, January 19, 2019

Reading Challenge: A Book With a Color in the Title - check!

This was an easy pick. The minute I saw a James Patterson book with a color in the title, I borrowed it from the library. I have always loved his books and just like many, have often found myself thinking, 'just one more chapter' and then it is 2am in the morning (those darn 5-page chapters are misleading)! I actually have my father to thank for introducing me to his books back when I was in college. He had bought Along Came a Spider and Kiss the Girls as stocking stuffers for me (must have been Christmas of 1995). Who could have known that he would put me on the path to loving a particular author?

NYPD Red is the start of a series (I just know I am gonna enjoy each book in the series) of NY City cops sworn to protect the rich and famous. High stakes, fast-paced and some fun characters. I always enjoy his characters as well as the sarcastic tones that always come across from some of them (this book was no different). I love the formula and always will. I once saw Patterson interviewed and one of the questions was, "Does it bother you that there are people who call you a sell-out because you keep using the same formula?" to which his answer was, "I sell millions of books every year - people can say whatever they want. Why would I change a thing?" I loved hearing that response! Only once did he really break from his normal formula and I was caught off-guard. I will not say which book, but in one the villain actually walks away in the end. I was shocked! And I thought, good on Patterson, for breaking the formula just once to surprise his readers. Even tried and true formulas can be broken just enough to throw fans for a loop. Well played...

So even with my limited time for reading, I managed to get this one done in 4-5 days. A fun read! I gave it a rating of 4 stars on Goodreads.

Now I am starting The Lost Girls of Camp Forevermore, which will cross off a book written by a woman of color. Looking forward to seeing how this one turns out!


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